METHOD 1 --------------------- 1) Instal the app in trial mode (no serial required). Start the app and start the trial then close the app. 2) Go to the DLL folder and copy the dll file for 32 or 64 or both and paste & replace the ones in the CS5.1 program directory, eg copy and paste and replace to here; C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS6 <--32bit C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CS6 <--64bit. or C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS6 <--32bit METHOD 2 --------------------- Download Adobe Tool from here; then use that to sort the hosts and serials and disable activation. --------------------- For updating and other errors then refer to the other text documents. Dont post serials on the comments pages please. For help with this or any other torrent then join the forum; you can send messages after registering as thats usually quicker than posting comments on pirate bay.